Another amazing story – my knees

DSC01410Lisbeth: We walked so much in London that my knees began to make noises – real noises and painful ones. I started to be a little hesitant about stairs and inside me I experienced a disbelief that i behaved like an old woman. Not possible!

My old energy logic told me that it was my weight and age – not much to do about it. To be expected and so on. But then I got on the healing table for about an hour and now we are back to normal. My knees and I are absolutely fine. Just lost about 25 years of age.

This defies all modern scientific story telling of possibilities and impossibilites. About joints that wear out and then must be replaced, painfully etc. etc.

I am glad that we did not attend to it earlier. Could have, but did not. Now I got this first hand experince of what I often see when Qisuk put his hands and energy on clients and some of their aches and pains dissapear.

It is a process. Most often it takes a series of healings – sometimes only a few – during which he creates this amazing dialogue with body and cells that allows for the healing to take place. The body knows absolutely how to use the energy and it always seeks optimal health.

It is important to know that it is not something that Qisuk alone does to you – it is a cocreation, not a magic wand although it sometimes seems to be so. So the participation and responsibility for the healing also rests upon you as a client.

I am blessed as I walk in his energy field all day long, so it drips off. The communication field is open at all times – and that is sooo good.

All is alive: The singing Plants at Damanhur


For the Eskimo and Inuit people everything is alive. The rocks, the ocean, the clouds, your car. Every thing has intelligence and consiousness and as such it must be respected.

The singing plants at Damanhur demonstrate this so clearly. By a stroke of intuition and genius some of the people in this Community in the north of Italy wanted to find out, if they could communicate with plants.

They played classical music for plants and then linked them up with a computer and a synthesizer only to learn, that the language of the plants were far more complex and extraordinary than they had ever dreamt of: The plants composed the most beautiful music.

Further the composer plants would train other plants when placed beside them for a priod of time. They learn from one and another.

This of course poses some questions: The next time you enjoy delicious vegetables or a salad you may potentially devour what could turn into a new Mozart, Vivaldi, McCartney or Beethoven.

So, is it better to be a vegetarian than a meat eater? A difficult question after this video.
But is shows the power of sound that Stewart Pearce talks about.

Enjoy more about Damanhur at

Stewart Pearce and the Angels of Atlantis


Celebrating Qisuk’s birthday on December 31st we were blessed with meeting and having lunch with voice coach, healer and much more – see below – Stewart Pearce. It was magical and powerful. You may meet him and have a taste of his work on this video where he teaches you to chant Magic into your Life. He is truly masterful.

During 1987 Stewart received divine transmission from a communion of twelve Orb Wanderers. This is now radical information concerning the major personal, planetary and galactic changes leading to 21.12.12. The Angels are emissaries from the Source, and at this time of vast transition provide us with twelve archetypal keys, that reflect the teachings of the Crystal Skulls, and may literally transform our lives as we experience the current Solar flashes, Galactic realignments, and Earth shifts.

Stewart Pearce is a world renowned Voice Coach with a career spanning three decades, enhancing the presentations of Margaret Thatcher, Vanessa Redgrave, Diana Princess of Wales, Dame Anita Roddick, and the LONDON 2012 OLYMPIC BID, just to name a few. Stewart was Head f Voice at the Webber Douglas Academy from 1980-1997, and Master of Voice at Shakespeare’s Globe from 1997-2008.

Stewart is also an inveterate Sound Healer, Seer and Angel Medium, teaching the intelligence and compassion of the heart, through the understanding that we each have a unique signature note, which is the song of our soul. Stewart is also an author of The Alchemy of Voice and the Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards.

For more information on Stewart’s work please visit his web page.

New children’s book: Mother of the Sea – the beginning

The children of Greenland an the Inuit/Eskimo world are in need of books rooted in their own culture. At present they predominantly are brought up with Danish literature and thus a world and culture that they find it difficult to relate to.

They need heroes from their own culture,”  says Pórto Qisuk who has now created the first in a series of children’s books based on the mythology of Greenland featuring Mother of the Sea as the main character. It is vibrantly illustrated by one of Greenlands finest artists, Kistat Lund and of Danish artist and graphic designer, Finn Hjernøe.

“Mother of the sea – the beginning. The magical journey to the Ocean Floor” will be published in Greenlandic, Danish and English in 2014.  Here is a little taste from the start of the book:rImage

The magical journey to the Creatures on Ocean Floor

Far, far up north in Greenland a small village is hidden against the vast and wild mountains. Its name is Siku. There is a huge stone at the entrance to the village that almost makes it invisible. You can sail past without realizing that a small group of Inuits and Eskimos live there.

Most of the year there is snow, and therefore people live in igloos. They are built with snow, which is so firm that it can be cut into fine blocks stacked on top of each other. There is a great art in building an igloo. The kids love living in igloos. It is so beautiful inside when the light shines through the white snow creating a warm ambience.

The small group of Inuits and Eskimos in the village near the sea live from fishing and hunting. On land there are many fine-looking animals such as caribou, polar bears, wolves, foxes, hares, musk oxen, and some of the people even raise sheep. The sea is full of seals, walruses and different kinds of whales together with great shoals of fish with throngs of birds above the waves that break over beds of shellfish.

So the people do not lack food. There is plenty of it out in the wild, and they eat well, and even if it is cold most of the year with long, dark winters, they live in harmony with nature and her animals.

In a certain small village two siblings live in one of the igloos. The little boy’s name is Qisuk and the little girl is called Naaja. They live with their grandmother. Her name is Naasoq, which means flower.

Naasoq is a small woman. She sews beautiful clothes from the skins brought to her by the hunters from the village. She is an accomplished seamstress. But Naasoq is also an excellent storyteller, and her late husband was a good hunter and a shaman too. His name was Kulloq. He had special abilities, so could help the sick and give people good advice. He could also communicate with nature, animals and the spirits of land and the sea. Kulloq had often gone down to the ocean floor to visit the Mother of the Sea.

“Who is the Mother of the Sea?”

Asked Qisuk one day, and then Naasoq began to tell the story. The two children making themselves comfortable cuddled up in the many soft, warm layers of furs on the igloos bench. Their eyes shone with anticipation. They loved it when their grandmother told her amazing stories:

“Mother of the Sea is the Inuit and Eskimo goddess of Nature, and she lives on the ocean floor.” Started Naasoq while she put warm sealskin over Qisuk and Naaja and lit the oil lamp, which threw its cozy glow against the igloo walls. And she continued:

“There once was a very beautiful girl who lived in a small quaint village. Her eyes were clear and black as the depths of the sea; her hair long, dark and shiny, but this lovely young woman also had a special ability. She could talk to all living creatures and they came to get advice from her.

She had actually always been called Mother of the Sea. When she came into this world birds and wolves were singing outside the igloo. Back then, all creatures and humans spoke the same language, and it was said that the birds and wolves told in song how their friend had been born into the world of Men.

There also came a haunting voice from the beach. It was a dolphin, called Asana, which means the Loving. She sang, “The child shall be called Mother of the Sea.” And the parents were so happy about how the animals welcomed their newborn daughter, and called her by such a sacred name.

When she grew up, she was surrounded by all kinds of creatures. They came to talk with her and to get good guidance. The Mother of the Sea was often on the beach where she spoke with the beings of the oceans. It made them so happy, and they took the joy with them when swimming back into their domains. They told the others about their friend in the small village, and everyone who heard the story swam to the village beach to greet her and hear her advice.

The girl grew up and became even more beautiful. In the village a young man fell in love with her, but she knew that her heart belonged to something else.

Mother of the Sea – the Eskimo Goddess

Painted and copyright by Ib Nielsson

Her Story – a World changing idea

While a great part of the world is out of balance, the Eskimo and Inuit People hold the wisdom that can bring everybody back in harmony with Nature. For thousands of years their Goddess has been Mother of the Sea – Sassuma Arnaa. She looks after life on Earth, protecting and sustaining all living Beings.

The Eskimo and Inuit people are living a sustainable life. They have to in order to live and survive in some of the coldest areas on the Planet. They know that if they abuse Nature, Mother of the Sea will call her animals to her leaving them to starve.

When Human Beings live respectfully and in harmony with the Planet, she gracefully releases them so that the Eskimo and Inuit people can eat and live.

Mother of the Sea has a lot to teach modern men and women. This is why we have chosen to tell her story in old and new ways by letting artist bring her into life, offering to share some of the Eskimo Wisdom with the World.  

Celebrate her – and spread her Story. It is worth sharing.

Mission accomplished: The World is now healed

Qisuk has been sleeping a lot since he was dropped off after a succesful world tour with his good friend Santa on Christmas Night. He announces that the combination of pure joy, gifts from the Universe and a healthy portion of healing has done a world of good. And he himself has shared so many cookies with Santa that he kindly refused the offer of another helping when he was happily back home. Image

He predicts 2014 to be a magnificent year of big change for the better and sends lots of love from Santa who is now back in Greenland enjoying himself with Mrs. Claus and all the Elves and Reindeers. They are often online – on the bigger than Internet that he and the other Eskimos use – chatting along about how to make the world an even better place. 


Deadly Medicine and Organized Crime – Peter Gøtzsche


Deadly Medicine and Organised Crime – How Big Pharma is Corrupting Healthcare is a groundbreaking book by danish doctor and leader of the Cocrane Institute in Denmark.

In it he documents how prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer, and he exposes the pharmaceutical industries and their charade of fraudulent behavior, both in research and marketing where the morally repugnant disregard for human lives is the norm 1.

He convincingly draws close comparisons with the tobacco conglomerates, revealing the extraordinary truth behind efforts to confuse and distract the public and their politicians.

The book addresses, in evidence-based detail, an extraordinary system failure caused by widespread crime, corruption, bribery and impotent drug regulation in need of radical reforms.

The book is published in English and Danish and is in the process of being translated into further languages.

In this video – subtitled in English – he explains how he was inspired to write the book and how the medical industry behaves and the effect of many drugs, used by many.

His book has broken the silence about big pharma in main street media in Denmark – now the question of the dangers of medicine is becoming front page news.

What doctors don’t tell you


Lynne McTaggart, author of several very excellent books such as The Bond, The Field and The Intention Experiment and of the website and magazine “What doctors don’t tell you” and her husbans Brian explains what happens when Big Pharma believe you are becoming a threat to their “market” – meaning you and I – by getting the message across that conventional medicine may not be the best solution with all their dangerous side effects, one being death.

Healing has no side effects – and often it gives relief and goes to the root of a challenge, physical or mental – and heals it in a respectful way in harmony with the individual.

So it is a good place to start and use conventional medicine when it is the best solution – or use the combination of both.

The original intention of doctors was “First do no harm”. It would be good to go back to that philosophy. We have plenty to chose from that does heal or aid us in the most humanly harmonious ways – just ask nature and the powerful hands of a good healer.

Energy medicine is powerful and speaks the language of body and mind and the incredible intelligence that is who we are. Let it come into play.

Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year


Lisbeth: I want to wish all of you a wonderful and restful Christmas – we surely need it – and let 2014 be the year when Peace is not only a word in our vocabulary but a state that we own and experience most of the time – internally as well as on the whole Planet. Frankly, we have had enough of the games that has been played on this beautiful planet for far too long.

They are far over their best by date and overdue for retirement.  I will participate by sharing The Wordless Universe – the internal state of focus and peace of the Eskimo Shamans. May it become for everybody on the planet, and we shall have the Paradise that most of dream of.

May the smartness of a few expressed by the destructive economic system be transformed into true sharing of creativity – the essense of source energy – and may Big Pharma be replaced by true healing. The latter produces results and without side effects. May it be the year when people truly expect what is their true heritence: Peace and joy.

In our deepest inner we know that we are playful and joyous children just wanting to have beautiful and joyful experiences toying with the physical world.

As C S Lewis wrote: God loves matter – God created matter.

It is ours to freely enjoy as free spirits.


Cell-talk: Create a positive dialogue with your cells and get better


Create peace with your cells, says Qisuk, and amazing healing can take place.

Qisuk: You know the times when you feel bad, emotionally or physically. Or there are traumatic experiences in your life. Perhaps you have witnessed accidents or violent incidents.

This kind of experience sits in the body as tension and more or less shock. It makes it harder for the body to repair itself as it is designed for and does perfectly most of the time. In order to regain the good health it is important to first remove the shock and process the underlying memories.

When people are affected by serious diseases which medical science and health system describes as incurable or they are diagnosed with terminal illness, it has enormous personal consequences for the individual, because the interior is often paralyzed by fear.

Family and close friends are also affected by fears and insecurities and their reaction patterns affect further the affected person. This leads to imbalances, which give serious challenges as the diseases affect our entire inner voice.

As a healer, I experience how the body communicates. The cells talk to each other and when there are imbalances and shocks the whole body is involved. It is not only where we are experiencing symptoms. This means that we give the invading forces of good conditions to disrupt and weaken our beautiful landscape.

When I heal I focus on the whole human being. It also happens when I for example I heal cancer patients. Here, it is imperative to talk to all parties involved in the body with equal dignity and gentleness. To correct the imbalances it is important first to remove the fear and anxiety, also from family members who worry.

Each cell in our body needs loving care and attention. If we only focus on the area from where the disease seem to reside, the chance to succeed is low. Effective treatment requires that we take into account all cells in the body and speak lovingly and positively to them.

It is normal to be afraid, and it is important to start a peace mission as soon as possible to provide security, peace and balance.

I give warm energy to the body and brain and during the healing. I talk to the cells through my hands. I send my thoughts to my hands and the information is transformed into cells. It is experienced as pleasant warmth and energy that flows into and through the body.

I show respect and kindness to all cells. My philosophy is that war and a dismissive attitude has enormous negative consequences for our ability to live in harmony with all living things that surround us.

Healing is a long process. Effective treatment requires patience and active participation. If you think about contacting a healer, do also pay attention to the healer and not only on yourself. The healer is a person who is also full of emotions. The healer is working hard to help you to get back into balance.

If you have the idea that a single treatment or two will rectify serious imbalances in your body and mind, you have misunderstood the basic philosophy of healing. It is a process and a collaboration between you and the healer, and it takes time and patience. You are the most important part of the healing.

We are so used to fight the disease. There is a war on cancer. It is about winning and losing, and that attitude does more harm than good. It takes time to change tracks and learn to listen and communicate lovingly and respectfully with ourselves and even cancer cells which I have learned are both gentle and extremely intelligent.

They do not wish to do any harm, but when we attack them with chemicals and fear, they naturally react accordingly. Making peace and friends with them creates a quite different base for healing.

I do appreciate that this may be a challenging thought and it does take some time to go from the fear that we have brought up with to inner peace and respect for all that we are. This is where The Wordless Universe that I and Lisbeth master is a powerful tool to accomplish the inner balance and peace where the body can balance itself. Everybody can learn how to go into this state of balance, peace and healing.

We will go more into details about The Wordless universe in the near future.